Trail Running @ Lake Guntersville State Park – Seales & Lickskillet Trails

The Seales Trail heads up to the right of the maintenance building.

Less than .75 miles into the Seales Trail, my legs are already getting torn up.

Once again, there are fallen trees everywhere along the edge of the lake.

This is one of the more calm sections of trail, although the trail is completely covered with leaves.

I was not really sure what was going on here. Is that a hammock with someone sleeping inside at 10 am? Is there a dead body in there?

Here the Seales Trail was wide open. In other words there was no trail, however it appears as though they recruited some kids to go and spray blue paint all over the place. At least I knew I was still going in the general direction that I was supposed to.

Keep following blue. It is on rocks, trees, stumps, etc.

Where is the trail? Can you find it?

Oh there’s the trail! 4 blue markings within 50 feet is helpful.

Go that way.

Now the trail has officially become mostly rocks.

Rocks everywhere.

When you can see RV’s in the distance, that means you are coming to the end of the Seales Trail. My GPS had me at 1.63 miles at the end of the trail.

Enjoying a water break at the end of the Seales Trail.

The Seales Trail ends here.