Make sure to check out my full review of our Weird Animals VBS 2014 experience…
We were blessed to borrow many of our main stage decorations at Weird Animals VBS this year, however we did still create quite a lot of our own decorations. Here are some pictures showing some of the things we did for VBS decorations.
This sign was in the lobby for 2 weeks before VBS.
More vines in the lobby.
We borrowed these awesome foam rocks.
Our borrowed decorations all laid out for sorting before we pieced together our stage.
A lady at our church hand-painted this sign, which we mounted above the front of the church entrance.
This tree was a little beat up, so we took Iggy off and mounted him so his head was sticking out from a beam in our worship center.
Borrowed these giant cardboard flowers that we would mount on the back of our main stage.
More borrowed supplies that we would use as parts of flowers.
We borrowed these painted foam trees. Depending on who you ask, they look like Easter eggs, fish or surf boards.
Pool noodles cut into spirals. We would later use these as part of the middle sections of giant flowers.
We borrowed these bamboo, which were part of our main stage. These were made from hard cardboard tubes mounted in cement-filled ice cream tubs.
Turned our information counter into this cool area of tall grass with an animal warning.
We created lots of these “Dr. Seuss” trees. We reused pvc pipes mounted in concrete that we used as flag poles for Kingdom Rock VBS last year. We slide pool noodles over the pvc pipe, added neon duct tape stripes, and added these handmade flowery bush things made from bright tissue paper.
Dr. Seuss trees partially constructed.
Dr. Seuss tree
The tops of the Dr. Seuss trees
Lobby as a work zone to create Dr. Seuss trees.
We hung these flowers from the 25 foot ceiling in the worship center. Some people thought they were jellyfish, which was great.
An early view of the main stage as it was coming together.
A view of our stage and worship center ceiling at VBS Worship Practice.
The t-shirts were a huge hit this year, and we sold every single shirt by the 2nd day.
We changed the sign the for the Sunday morning of VBS, which started that night.
The path to enter Weird Animals VBS. Neon spray painted rocks, colored tendrils, and neon animal paw prints all guide the way into the greatness of VBS.
Our VBS groups were color-based, so we put matching colored duct-tape rectangles on the Worship Center floor as designated areas for each group during opening and closing sessions at VBS.
A closer look at the path to the front door.
Our blacklight room that everyone walked through daily as they rotated among the stations. This was fun and another big hit with the kids.
Another look at the vines hanging around our lobby.
The Worship Center set-up and everything turned on, ready for VBS worship.
Another view at the main stage in the Worship Center.
The Worship Center in action during VBS worship.
Milton the Mole welcomed everyone daily at our registration/check-in tables.
The pool-noodle door to the Worship Center.
The main stage in different lighting.
Day 1 Bible Buddy: Axl
Day 2 Bible Buddy: Fern
Day 3 Bible Buddy: Milton
Day 4 Bible Buddy: Shred
Day 5 Bible Buddy: Iggy
A closer look at a flower mounted on the main stage.
Another giant flower & leaf mounted on the main stage.
1 of the main stage flowers
We reused part of a stone arch from Kingdom Rock VBS 2013 to make Jesus’ tomb in Bible Adventures Station.
One more look at the main stage in action… with kids holding up the Bible Buddy posters, which were mounted on foam boards.
The finished giant water glass I made with hula hoops and pvc pipe. It is full of balloons on the last day because of a successful week of mission offerings!