Day 3: Will’s Bike Riding Breakthrough
Today was a big day for my son Will. It was his 3rd day learning to ride a bike, and after a few minutes it felt like he had been bike riding for weeks. Yesterday his best 2 rides lasted about 30 seconds each, which was fantastic progress from the 1st day when he could not go more than a couple seconds without me holding the handlebars. (Click here for the story with pictures and video of Will’s 1st two days riding a bike.)

Will is ready to ride!

Julie Beth and Sam came with us today, and it worked out great because the school playground is right next to the grass field where Will practices riding.
Today Will picked right up where he left off, and he instantly was riding for 30-40 seconds at a time. Then he got over a minute. I had my camera setup on a tripod
to get videos of Will bike riding, and after several rides of about 60-90 seconds, my battery
was getting low. So I put the camera back in my car, and go figure, what happened next was Will’s bike riding breakthrough. His next ride was 4 minutes 11 seconds! I was blown away! A few minutes later he lasted 4 minutes 19 seconds, but I still did not have the camera

Will was feeling very proud that he just rode his bike for more than 4 minutes!

Will works hard on his longest bike ride yet, while Julie Beth and Sam rest under the shade of a tent that was setup outside the school.
Finally after we took a break in the shade for a little bit and played a little soccer in the field, Will wanted to give the bike one last try before we went home. I set the tripod up and told him my battery would die soon, so I would only have enough for 1 good ride. His final ride lasted 5 minutes! He honestly could have kept going and going, but his legs were just tired. I know it is 5 minutes of the same thing, but if you want to see how great he did, here is the video.
Click here to see how Julie Beth and Sam did at swim lessons.
Click here to follow all our Summer 2016 adventures!