Easter Story Wheel Printable Craft
This is a great printable craft to use either for a Sunday School class or at home with your own kids this Easter season! Also check out the snack that matches up perfectly with the 4 parts of the story wheel. With adult help, this works for kids of almost any age.
Easter Story Wheel Printable (see below)
- Works best printed on thick cardstock.
Brass Fastener (brad)
Supplies for Optional Easter Snack That Works With the Story Wheel
Easter Story Wheel Instructions
Download and print the “Easter Story Wheel Printable” 2 page pdf file. Click the thumbnails below to download the full resolution pdf.
Cut out the wheel from page one of the Story Wheel. Then cut out and discard the white section of the wheel.
Then cut out the wheel on page 2 of the Story Wheel.
Use a brass fastener or brad through the centermost circles to attach the top wheel from page 1 to the bottom wheel from page 2.
Kids may want to color the Easter Story pictures on the bottom wheel for added effect.
- Have fun with the final product, spinning the top wheel to reveal 4 parts of the Easter story.
Easter Snack Instructions (optional)
*The following series of 4 small snack items matches up perfectly with the 4 sections of the Easter Story Wheel.
To represent Jesus’ betrayal by Judas, give each kid 1 silver chocolate coin.
To represent Jesus dying on the cross, give each kid 2 pretzel sticks and let them dip a bit of icing that they can use to stick the pretzels together to make a cross.
To represent the stone being rolled away from the tomb as Jesus comes back to life, give each kid a Sour Patch Kid (Jesus alive) and a Golden Oreo Cookie (stone).
To represent Jesus being wrapped in fresh, white cloth and laid in a tomb, give each kid a marshmallow.